Wednesday, May 26, 2010

queerFAQtor wednesday

queerFAQtor wednesday
de-spelling the myths: bisexuals

mythmaster ashley makes an appearance to spit some myths about the bisexual community...and a personal 'atta girl to yours truly, as i have managed to get a dinosaur in every video- today's included. (not sure if i should be proud, but fuck it- I AM!)


  1. Your videos always make my Wednesdays better. Smiley face.

  2. =) and your comment, in turn, made mine! thanks nicole.

  3. {singing}
    If you can't be with the one you Love,...
    LoVe the one you're with.

  4. So i have to say this is very good! I discovered your blog by default a few weeks ago and I added your "lesbefriends" facebook page,and i have to say, youre like my intellectual soul mate! Just about everything I have read or video i have seen is very similar if not exactly how I think. I appreciate you doing this! I dont like labels but if i had to pic i would be bi-sexuzl but like you said i may have to do more soul searching.

  5. you are now officically one of my favorite people.
    this made my morning.

  6. Um, hello, 1975 calling..." I would like my gold jacket dance costume back "..
