random thought # 29
my brain is a shaken snow globe today
- classifying myself as having wanderlust is a stretch. while it would be more accurate to say i 'have an unexplainable and overwhelming desire to wander throughout the west (specifically the bay area) whilst documenting my adventures via witty blog musings and entertaining videos', it just doesn't pack the same literary punch and have the same readability as the simplistic, 'wanderlust'.
whatever verbiage you fancy, the fact still remains that san fransisco changed my life. i cannot wait to breathe that bay breeze once more. the city by the bay proved to be the first time a location transformed me, taught me, and opened my eyes.
my best friend jill (of san fransisco) has taught me through her example that everyone should be in touch with their inner hippie. i'm not advocating going out and buying a brick of weed and smoking it by the reflecting pool on the national mall (because the 5-0 doesn't smile upon that ), i am however in support of a more whimsical way of thinking. i'm trying my hardest to channel that emotion...so today, i'm going to find a flower- and let it know just how beautiful it is...then do the same to a person who needs to hear it. - i still refuse to understand twitter...but i'm finally willing to admit that it's a 'refusal' to educate myself, not the fact that twitter is complicated and beyond me.
- nothing is more frustrating as when you are succeeding while failing at the same time. challenges come in all shapes and sizes. when one is massive enough, it's illogical to tackle it all at once... breaking it down into more digestible pieces isn't wrong but outwardly those around you assume you are gasping for air when in reality you are making big strides in your life. i'm succeeding for myself, but i can't shake the defeating feeling i get when you look at me in that way...i wish you would just allow me time and space to complete this task.
- on may 3rd, 'world press freedom day', upwards of 35 journalists are still detained in prisons in iran for doing their job...click here to e-mail iranian president mahmoud ahmadenijad calling for the immediate and unconditional release of journalists jailed in iran since june '09 and to reopen the sealed office of the association of iranian journalists. if we stop the press we shut down our most powerful link to the world. i still believe in the power of journalism in spite of the sensationalistic way that most choose to portray it.
- i never thought i would classify myself as a person who believed that there was a genetic tie to homosexuality. if one could argue that point, than who's to say someone won't take it one step further and try to 'cure' this 'genetic mutation'...rounding us all up like livestock, 'fixing us',. ok- perhaps i thought a bit too colorfully on this one, but be that as it may- my tune has a new harmony added to it today. i've come to the realization that there HAS to be a genetic link for at least certain portion of lucky lesbians. much like 'dyke swagga', lesbian hat head is something that a special goup of lesbots are blessed with.
you know that typical, american apparelesque, super slouchy beanie- that when held up looks like you could smuggle dreads and a bucket of babies inside? those aren't designed for people with sensible sized heads, they were designed specifically for hipsters and lesbians with lesbian hat head.
i've yet to visually confirm that the lesbians who wear these hats without fear of them falling off ACTUALLY have cone heads, but i'm friggen convinced. it's just a thought... - i'm
all for thumbing ones nose at social norms and being an original (a belief no doubt bolstered by my purchase this weekend, see left) but there are some who flirt with that line a bit too much. i can appreciate that people assert an artistic flair when it comes to the monotonous palate of facebook. i think that your default picture is the most blatant way for you to express your personality. perhaps i took a trip to crazy town recently, but last time i checked the 'face' of facebook had a self implied 'you' along with it. it can be topical and witty to upload a photo of another person, but when every photo of you is someone else i begin to get uncomfortable- cut that shit out. you do not look like selena gomez- you look like you...please stop uploading photos of her as your default only to have me feel like a shallow asshole when i realize that fact and become enraged that i fell for another fucking doppelganger.
"nothing is more frustrating as when you are succeeding while failing at the same time. challenges come in all shapes and sizes. when one is massive enough, it's illogical to tackle it all at once... breaking it down into more digestible pieces isn't wrong but outwardly those around you assume you are gasping for air when in reality you are making big strides in your life. i'm succeeding for myself, but i can't shake the defeating feeling i get when you look at me in that way...i wish you would just allow me time and space to complete this task."
ReplyDeleteI am right there with you. I feel like people keep trying to push me down. I refuse to give up on something that I know is what I should be doing for the rest of my life. It just takes time and hard work for me to actually get there.
You like dinosaurs right? I thought of you and your blog when I saw this pic, a cool dino hoodie. Unless you've already seen it...
Be well,