Monday, November 16, 2009

random thought #22

random thought #22
you know, 22 is my lucky number

**i hate to be a bummer, on a monday no less- but in case you havent heard, 'americas gay newspaper', the washington blade is no more. their parent company, windows media, abruptly went out of business- and in addition to the washington blade, the houston voice, the south florida blade, david atlanta magazine and 411 magazine are no longer open for business. saying that this is a tough punch for the gay community, would be putting it mildly. the washington blade has been a fixture in the gay community since 1969, i- along with countless others- hope that the washington blade comes back together in some form or fashion..the gays need their papers!!

dcrtv is reporting the following:
"Tomorrow morning, the staff of the defunct Washington Blade will meet to launch a new publication that does pretty much what the Blade has done/did since 1969 - cover gay Washington. It just won't be called the Blade anymore. "The staff is united," says current/former Blade editor Kevin Naff. "We're all together. Our first meeting for our new venture is tomorrow morning." The staffers don't yet have a name for the newspaper. The Blade as a standalone publication runs a profit; however, not enough of a profit to keep its debt-troubled parent company, Window Media, in the black. According to Naff, Window is filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy protections, which means that it's ceasing operations. Staffers were given till 3 PM today to pack up. When asked if the company was handling the shutdown in a professional manner, Naff responded, "I should probably not comment.""

**this video made me cry laughing at work, too bad i already have this sort social commentary running through my head. i know its probably just me- but i put gay spins on things all the time, makes me feel at home.

** i really do love the written word, i often lose myself whilst reading little quotes, thoughts, or anything really. today, was no exception...i think its important to note, if you keep yourself open to profound life statements, you would be surprised at how often the universe talks to you. the world is more a fortune cookie than you think. i firmly believe if you are awake to it- the world tells you what you need to know everyday.
regardless, i wanted to share a few things i read today, that really stuck with me:
"the best time to find yourself is when you’re lost."
so true...inspired me to run away this weekend- even if just for a day, everyone should run away with just themselves, get a little lost, cry a bit, get terrified you will never find your way, then cue the lights- and bam! momentary enlightenment!! maybe im oversimplifying it bit, but after reading this i was moved so much as to say to myself, 'you need a little you time...only you...go get lost and be contemplative'.
"you can either step back and compose yourself. or embrace it. both work out just fine"
i know im not alone when i sit and doubt myself. its human to wonder, 'is this normal' 'am i doing this right?' 'am i acting out of line', i mean where would we be if it werent for us constantly question the world around us, and within us? but at the end of the day- life will continue to rage around us, regardless of whether or not we made the right choices, whether or not you were acting too passionately or too impulsively. no matter what we do- the world around us stops for no either way you choose to go about it, life will undoubtedly go on- so rest easy.
"go forth"
sure, its from a commercial (which all lead back to the man) but that doesnt make the message any less powerful. i think its strength is in its simplicity- its the answer to any question really, i guess you have to be walking around in my head for that to be true...but i think it is so. its almost as if to say to ANY question posed- why dont you go and find out? why not go forth and discover the answer on your own. i assure you, that will be more of a help than me handing it to you.

** i dont generally voice my opinions about people that i cant stand- however, i can no longer tolerate heidi montag and spencer pratt...heres why. no, sadly that photo is indeed no joke, and those two peaches are hawking their shit where ever they can. a book? i know a lot of fabulous writers who are very much struggling, and yet- sarah p and these two admitted 'famewhores' get a book deal no problems?
what a world...what a world...i just tell myself 'it takes all kinds ashley, you are no better or no worse than they are'.

1 comment:

  1. I have to agree with you on Speidi. Most annoying people on the planet. Fucking douchebags.
